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I think I got more like me with me or something that's nice I think it depends on what you look like it's not expensive it is it looks nicer depends on like like I don't know what you look like this Gold
OK I know like a lot of people say cold but I also say gold but I feel like silver looks way better on me because like like some people a day skin in that gold look so good on them but in my opinion I feel like silver looks better on me because like it's just like it's like I don't know how to explain it just looks better on me but also I like gold so like it's like Half-and-half you know
Can you personally I like silver better is that like I feel like gold looks a little tacky I mean I wore gold when I was like in third grade but I was for like a flapper costume for Halloween but I really like I don't like gold gold like if you have like a gold like a bar yes I'll take it but like I like soft better
I have a bracelet that my nana gave me like my nana has my grandma you know and she gave me a gold bracelet I don't know it's fake gold but it's still gold I think But it's okay. I love it