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Eternal 377d
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Alí 375d
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Eleanor 346d
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What is your biggest pet peeve? Mine is Snapchat people who don't know how to tell a story in 5 or 6 snaps. It always has to be above 40 snaps just so that they can sufficiently tell you the story.
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Mmm, my biggest pet peeve is when people are bad at telling stories fuck like the length of the story It's about how engaged I am like if you're not if you're not doing all too much But just like oh buh buh, but these days in this happened that happened like I don't want to hear all that mumbo jumbo Malarkey bullshit kind of crap. I want to hear an actual fucking story You have to be funny, engaging, you know all of that, but you know another, I'll put another comment.
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Another really big pet peeve of mine that's actually like specifically mine is when people try to help me without me asking. Like I didn't ask for your fucking help so why do you feel like I need it? That's condescending one, two, you're in my way and three, you usually don't help or you're doing the wrong thing. Like if I trust you to help me, I'll ask you to help me, but I won't do that unless I ask you, you know what I mean?
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I care to differ because I feel like it's more the story length than it is the actual story because it can be interesting for all you like but then you start getting bored because the thing is so long. What should technically be let's say 10 minutes is now 30 minutes and you could be as interesting as you like but it's not that.
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Alright, let me ask you a question here, alright? So when you like watch a movie, which is a story, right? Do you stop watching it because it's too long? Or do you continue to watch it because it's interesting? My point being is, it doesn't matter how long the story is. It's about how interesting the story is. If they want to ramble on for 30 minutes, make it interesting!
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I kind of agree with you when it comes to this whole keeping the interesting thing. But then again, it starts to lose interest once it gets too long because you're starting to run out of ideas.
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And like yeah you keep you run out of ideas because of how long the story is and you have to keep the attention of who you're Telling this story to and then again Going based off your whole movie example Well, new message.
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And then going based off your whole movie example, like for instance, Avatar The Way of the Water, I think it's a three to four hour movie. Movie. You can look at that movie as it being interesting, but then when you now look at the storyline, it's not worth three hours of movie. It's not worth three or four hours of movie. Because literally all you have to do is change the element in the title and it's a whole brand new movie. So the story now loses its interest.
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Meanwhile halfway through the movie the story was actually kind of interesting but that was halfway in the movie but then because you've now added another hour to it it's now boring because now you're trying to throw ideas into it That's now ruining the movie now.
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Me, it's the age-old thing. Close the damn toilet sealid. You'd think it's simple, but not everybody does it. My reason for having this pet peeve is I just don't want poop particles floating all around the bathroom. I don't want poop particles on my toothbrush. The bathroom, the shower, the bath is supposed to be clean, cleanly. My place of sanctuary. I can't be stressed out.
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my biggest pet peeve is you know that game called like 21 questions where you're supposed to do like somebody has something in mind and then everyone else is supposed to guess what it is by asking questions that either answer yes or no but people are so bad at that game like you should be able to like ask like pretty specific questions and the game goes fast but some people are just like so stupid and it makes it's such a long game
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