Years ago I was headhunted if you like by an American gentleman who was from the state of Massachusetts and when I was working in the pub industry this particular gentleman was a customer in my pub and he liked the way that I carried myself in terms of customer service, in terms of product knowledge, in terms of organizational skills And long story short, he flat out offered me a job in his bar in Massachusetts and I turned him down. I turned him down because honestly, at the time I just didn't have the balls to make that much of a big life decision because I was only like 20, 21, maybe a little bit older. I didn't know if I wanted to just pack up everything and leave the country you know. So I didn't do it, I turned it down and that is if anything probably one of the only things that I regret because I feel like it could have opened up quite a lot of doors for me and what I want to know from you guys out there is there anything that you've done or incidentally not done in life that if you had the opportunity to could then go back and say I'm going to do that differently this time. If you could pick any moment from your life where something like that occurred, what would it be? Much love to you all.