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What are you do is not even rap God is coming to you live from Houston Texas and I wanted to report that finally the cleaning up and rap class is done and ready to serve you all in this course provide an overview of the history and culture rap music students will learn about the elements of rap including rhyming flow and delivery as soon as we also learned about the social and cultural significance of rap music and its influence on popular culture so if you are interested in becoming a member of the rap class in honing your skills or just doing something different in front hit me up I'll be giving out five spots five free spot buy it at $150 each so definitely don't move slow move quick Because this offer is limited so do you want to learn how to rap if so leave a comment and I'll let you know if I have room for you
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Rap. Rapping. The only rapping I know these days, and I'm not too good at that, is rapping in presence. Yeah, that's about it.
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Learn to rap? Hmm, I asked... You think you can teach... I thought you kinda got it or you don't wanna rap with this one?
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A lot of people can rap, but a lot of people can't rap well. And a lot of people that can rap well still need to be trained just the same way any vocalist needs a voice trainer. Beyonce got a voice coach, Adele has a voice coach, so I'm the rapper.
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Well, I could see that like doing exercises to keep your voice strong and whatnot. But yeah, Rapids, I guess I have a different idea. Beyonce has a lot more than the voice coaches in her corner, I think, at this point.
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