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POEticSoul β€’ 376d
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Bless up β€’ 375d
Bless up
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Hey y'all what's going on? Oh my goodness listen when it comes to watching movies and TV shows, right? What is your go-to snack? What's your go-to snack? Like and does it depend on what you're watching? I'm just curious I don't know what made me think about this cuz like sometimes when I'm watching something I want something light and then other times when I'm watching something I want like ice cream or something matter of fact I want some ice cream now. Think I have some in the freezer. I'm gonna go get some.
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Honestly it depends on what I'm watching and what time I'm watching it at him but me and him just for health reasons and kind of being out of shape I've done a lot healthier snacking when I watch movies on one of the snacks like what am I gonna choose a lot of times even before I was eating healthy or was pita chips and tzatziki sauce or all fruit like a fruit
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Say my go to snack years Eminem sweet pea or not although it is not is it it is not good for consumption no not so why insidious process I would say that it is for a Nother find something pertaining to the vegan some of my vehicle you know you got all type of people on the planet so I would say Eminem for now with the peanut
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