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Sunshine 600d
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Hezzy the Movie Slayer
Storming the Weather
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Melanin Seduction
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Alí 596d
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I do I do I do I've got Buckle I got Linda Belcher and Chucky from the Rugrats OK so I realize that doesn't make me sound like a collector cause I only have three but I'm very selective you know I'm very selective
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What's your like dream kind of top maybe let's go with three list of Funko pops that you would want you know like what's next for the collections hey collections gotta start somewhere and three is a start anything over two is a collection
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I did I actually have a Queen Elizabeth one and in addition to that I have but I mean I give them to my ex it's a bunch of Artis series one so it wasn't fun, but in other brands it was like Frida Kahlo van Gogh And a couple of others have a lot of regrets in life one of them is sharing my talent in my life with people who just wanted to use it and throw me away
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Oh, I don't collect them, but I do want the new Erica Baidu one though. I want an Erica Baidu and I want a Prince and I want a baby Yoda one. So I guess I might have to start collecting them.
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That's crazy because I definitely have some and I think they're amazing. I think my first one I got was Wednesday Adams. And that was years ago. Bless her a little black art.
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Yeah, I used to collect Funko Pops like crazy seven years ago. I would go to different conventions, be on top of the limited edition releases, and yeah, my collection was like at least 75 plus. And then when I moved, I sold everything, and I got a lot of money for it back, because limited edition ones were kind of rare.
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