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Some thing that I really love to see on the inter-webs is the Paul Rudd being ageless in memes like the memes about him being ageless were there like Paul Rudd at 22 Paul Rudd at 52 and it's like like sometimes they'll use the same picture of him at like 22 or they'll use an actual picture of him at like 52 do you know how old he is in his 50s or 20s and compare them and just prove a point that like he just never ages and that he's forever the cutest baby faced handsome man ever and there is one where I saw on Instagram where they were comparing it to other Hotmail celebrities and while these Hotmail celebrities are still hot even as they age they live like you can clearly tell they are older now you can clearly tell they're not like 22 years old because the photos literally show the difference it's just they're in a new phase of hotness but like with Paul Rudd the point of it is that he still Babyface Stephen who is in his 50s like he's not like older 50-year-old man who is in a new stage of hot he is is still baby faced like 50 year old something man And pot but that's the point of like the memes when they compare all the other guys to Paul Rudd is like power is still the sweet you know cutie cutie cutie and someone like Jason Momoa is just like a hot you know beast of a man wear like when he was in his 20s he was more like softer featured like still hot believe that soccer featured and baby faced so yeah it's quite interesting in squid entertaining and cute and sweeten
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