Happy Saturday guys. Saturday nights are my fave because I generally have something to look forward to on Sunday. On Sundays my in-laws for the most part unless they have like plans or they're out of town or like on vacation or something they try to take our son for a couple hours for us and it's like the only break I get outside of like the two hours that he goes to preschool and I I just feel like it's amazing. I don't have to worry about him when he's with them. That's the biggest thing is like I still feel like I have a lot of anxiety when he's at school and I don't like to leave my house or run like very close by Aaron. So like his school is very close to our home. And just God forbid there's an emergency or something. Like I feel like I'm always thinking about the worst possible things happening while he's there. But I like to stick close to home or like nearby. So, but when he's with his grandparents, I don't have, I feel like I can just completely not worry and not be anxious. And I know that he's very well taken care of and safe. So those are really only my, only couple of hours of the week where I just feel like, I don't know. Like almost like I'm not a mom. Like, I don't know, I feel like that sounds bad, but I feel like you would get what I mean. Like I can just completely occupy my mind with other things or like enjoy myself without all of those anxious worries.