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Rich Amoah 365d
Rich Amoah
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Arielle Van-Mballa
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Ervin Shyti 364d
Ervin Shyti
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Blinera 364d
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Breze Kimble-Moore
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Do you get mad when your partner is constantly on their phone because obviously a lot of people work through their phones now whether it's like social media or like checking emails constantly or maybe they have their own business and they have to like look at orders and stuff but I feel like it would kind of get annoying if your partner is like always on their phone even if it is for work or not for work
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How do you get mad all her attention should be on me
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I wouldn't get mad per se but I think that I'll probably be really annoyed because then the full attention is not on you and I know we are in social media and everybody is like dwelling on everything but you should be paying attention to your partner when you guys are there
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Yeah of course why she's on her phone when it's me there
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I don't think it's normal except the fact when he's working or she's working but either of that I don't think the person is the person you're in the table wish to stay in the phone not just your partner broke your best friend or something like this
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I don't get mad if they're constantly on their phone because I know I can be on my phone a lot, but I feel like we do communicate when it's like okay like you know, I kind of want to have a moment where we can talk without any distractions So I don't get mad because I know I do it too, but it just comes down to communication
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