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Mohamed Ahmed 379d
Mohamed Ahmed
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Me personally I think artificial intelligence is a really good thing because we're going to be blunt like write something up I just got here just get like that in chat GPT Osman just the right number for you so you can think of something just like mention that I know that I just write it down for you I am bored we personally I think it's a great idea that we need a full important stuff like so if you just like your idea like a book or something like if you want to write a vampire book or whatever just pull up chat GPT in the basket there like right like a little story for you but then obviously you can I edit it and put it in your own words and stuff and like I do a script and I can add you make it on broken so but yeah I'm going to see what everyone else is Forza delete the artificial intelligence for me personally I quite like it but Obviously it when I come straight there are people have different opinions Stockport more ready to hear of your nose opinion so that's always fun to listen
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I think it's good but it's bad at the same time I think it's good like I just shows how far gone technologically but I feel like having an AI been able to do everything for us to limit the human beings that that that these are my brains that proper thinking and problem-solving will just leave it to the air and I just miss good for us
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