more a question because I've lost control of these things. I remember when when in football or soccer, depending on where you're from, they started coming out with this boot technology. I thought it was a thing it was called like my boot or something spelled M I. And I never never tried it, but it was meant to, it was meant to track everything that you do how far you run a fast run etc etc and you know I just have no oversight anymore of where these things have gone. Are there any kind of, whether techies or sports fans or anybody who know how far they've come with this kind of tracking technology, because obviously in the pro series they're able to get literally everything but they also spent millions on their various systems. Is this something that's still available to the public? Because I never saw these things again so I don't think they were very successful. They were a bit bulky, a bit expensive, you had to kind of put them in your shoes but yeah, do let me know. I'm very curious about these things. I just kind of saw it disappeared and I've never kind of really seen it again.