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Joey Helpish 439d
Joey Helpish
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Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
Sebastian Cimafranca
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Sebastian Cimafranca
Okay, hear me out. If everyone is special and everyone is unique, then is there really a such thing as a bad voice? I mean, yeah, I mean some people obviously you don't want to hear them sing Ave Maria, but that doesn't mean that they're necessarily a bad singer. And I think that I think anyone could actually be a decently good singer or really sing with emotion and affect people regardless of how their voice sounds. What do you think?
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One of the rarest human conditions on planet Earth is tone deafness. I hate it when people say, I'm tone deaf or that person's tone deaf. It's like not a thing.
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One of the rarest conditions for human beings on planet Earth is tone deafness. I hate it when people say I'm tone deaf. It's so rare.
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Look, I can ride a bike, but I can't ride a bike like in a marathon. That doesn't mean I have bike deafness. That means that I'm just out of shape. Or maybe it's just not for me to ride a bike like that.
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But I can still ride a bike I can still get to where I need to go Even if I'm not professional and maybe there's some way of riding a bike maybe I'm really into tricks. I don't know that could be appealing and could make...
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There are mid examples and extreme examples of what I think that you're talking about. A mid example would be David Bowie or Trent Reznor. These singers sing consistently flat.
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Despite that consistent flatness and not hitting the mark made by, in my opinion, old dead white guy fucking rules of what singing should be, no one can dispute their contribution and their talent.
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Some extreme examples are Tom Waits, but probably the best is Daniel Johnson. I challenge anyone to go listen to Daniel Johnson for one hour or go watch the movie The Devil and Daniel Johnston.
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Daniel Johnson's voice is consistently off tune and shaky. He can't play his instruments on time. Yet, if you listen to Daniel Johnson, the longer you listen, the more you see the genius.
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Daniel Johnson is someone who did not let his lack of ability get in the way of creative expression so that he could heal himself with music.
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And to sort of conclude a little bit, a lot of people talk about late-stage capitalism. I like to talk about late-stage colonization. the American music industry is a really great example of late stage colonization.
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The colonizers, the rich white dudes, they ran out of property so they started creating terms like intellectual property and intellectual labor to colonize our fucking thoughts and ideas.
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I get what you're saying but I don't have a question what's worse a bad singer a bad rapper cause a bad singer like if they're off key and they just sound bad that's gonna be like really hard to listen to put a bad rapper like that
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What I was trying to say for this big ugly Bugli had a boy cut me off was how much does being fair sing for the rapper
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