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Tally Mei 379d
Tally Mei
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Isa Manson 377d
Isa Manson
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Boss Gal 377d
Boss Gal
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Are used to always go on walks in the evening but I feel like I kind of wanna start going in the morning like super early at 7 AM just because I feel like just because it's more peaceful I said think it is because not a lot of people are out and I haven't done it to me just basing it off of what I think it would be like pry but if you guys do go in the morning what are your thoughts
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I am not a morning person so if I would go for a walk I would probably choose to go in the evening especially like during the summer kind of like sun starting to said it's not as hot I feel like it's quite peaceful during that time
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I am not up at 7 AM and say like around nine I would prefer to go for a walk but yeah
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Are you a morning walk sometime in the treadmill but I do evening walks because I'm going for a walk after dinner so high I prefer evening walks
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