This is always an interesting question to me since now these days we're getting a lot more empathetic villains but at the same time they're still villains. There's still something they do that they turn away from that the audience can't connect with. There's something that they do wrong right? But sometimes people kind of debate on who they think, yeah I don't know if this person was a villain. So in my case this example for me is on an episode of the Blacklist called The Good Samaritan. There's this guy seen in the picture who they don't know why he's killing people at first. They think he's just a serial killer, but they find out that he's killing child abusers So to me, I'm like, I don't care let him let him go There's a lot more like actual things going on like people you need to stop from hurting the innocent But if it's repeat child abusers that he's getting that can't get caught by the law And I don't really care But so I'm curious if you guys have like a villain in your mind that you were like, no, I think they were okay