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John Stulpin 364d
John Stulpin
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Adwoa Daniels aka Diamond
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Christen 363d
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Chan Be Busy 363d
Chan Be Busy
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What's up my stereo family diamond 718 here and I do hope that you guys consider me your sister your auntie your cousin whatever all right so would you like your family Joynichole like I'm watching a movie called show called ruthless and I'm just trying to figure out how did the people on the roof is like the people that go there how did they get caught up in a situation to wear for one thing they sold all of their belongings right and then I took all of their money out of their bank accounts and gave it to like this cold following to to follow someone that because I'm sells the highest when I tell you is I don't wanna spoil just a case of someone hasn't watched it but it's so many different file things that go on first of all their living in like these broke ran down trailers and cut so let's just say some of them may have been rich right and had big houses in all of that but they live in in the Scotts Home it's just a mess like you have to be fed when they wanna feed you it's like you can't you can't have like don't even have a fridge Raiders and his cat and they have all these chores and then like where they go they have a outhouse to go to the bathroom so I'm just like somebody's like individuals actually brought their children there they put their children there and then I think the couples like if you come as a couple it seems like they split you up so it's crazy but the show is so good I'm in season four now the show is so good but I am if you discretion is advised if you do decide to watch it because it's very explicit and I am going to tell you that it is very explicit but would you and you would you like to talk your family into joining a cult or if you have been in a cult can you explain why and how did you get out This should be very interesting
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Leaving your family at any point and any time would be neglectful and improper you made a commitment when you got married for better or worse to life or death right why would that be any different for this
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Hey John thank you for replying but the question is it say arm leave your family it says would you lead your family to join a cult my lead your family into going with you to Joynichole not leaving maybe you thought I spelled it wrong
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I think this is so funny cause I just finished watching that season or I'm I'm caught up on that season two and you know what they pray on like the prostitutes they put on people that are drug addicts people that are lost people that are lonely and they're like you saw the the wife of the guy or whatever oh if you're watching ruthless you have to watch the oval the connect everything like if you're not watching those together and oh my gosh this is crazy
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Absolutely not that's crazy I would not even try to get in anything that's a cold because oh where does the lead to a good end it never leads to a good in
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