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Mallory Timpano
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Mallory Timpano
Gelöschtes Mitglied
Mallory Timpano
Abzino 381d
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Finding Fate 381d
Finding Fate
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Liangelo Baker
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The Deep Dive 381d
The Deep Dive
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Karma 380d
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Just another thing I just a fitness question I can ask is creatine with the hype that was created an active with taken old is even like beneficial for the gym as I'm still like the complete beginner so I was wondering is creating like with even taken
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So I'm a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, but I have just recently personally started taking creatine the last two to three weeks. And usually it takes about that long before you see some changes in your body. But I think I've definitely seen just like some strength changes. Like I'm able, I have more energy. I'm able to do like more weight, a little bit more reps, and stuff like that.
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Also, just to expand on that a little more, my muscle soreness and recovery in between sessions is also way down. So that's a huge plus. And then creatine is a natural substance like our body already creates it. But when we take the supplements, they kind of top off our limit. So that's what makes us have more energy and be able to recover faster if that makes Thank you.
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I miss you make a chill person so I'm gonna drop you follow but also I'm going to sit with creatine is it true that it's put weight on you to see if it and creating a does a what does that doesn't really affect you
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Yes, that's true, but it's mostly water weight. And so a lot of people will see that sometimes happen and you have to be drinking a lot of water when you're taking it. So if that makes sense, it's hard to describe in a really short time period like this, but I can always talk about it more if you want.
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Personally I've never been to much of a believer of all these you know performance enhancements, whatever you want to call them. Creating is one that we've really talked about but I feel like you can just get all of that with the food that you eat and you probably can see improvements with I as well so yeah
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I would like to know this as well.
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No, not even. I just use my protein shake by a bureau.
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I think it is the stuff he works for me so I recommend it
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Yeah, I definitely think it is. As soon as I take it, I start to notice different results.
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