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Auntie Social 374d
Auntie Social
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Twangyi Of Twisted Tuesdays
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Alright so I cook a lot and my knives have been kind of getting beat over the last couple years. They're probably ten years old. They're like, crazy under the night black. I got a target I think. Not very expensive. Looking to replace them. Don't spend a lot of money. Um, looking for recommendations. Looking at me-send knives. Anybody know any alternatives or be like this?
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So this voice changer, I'm gonna give it a 0.5 out of 10. The talk back fucking thing that Macaulay Culkin had in Home Alone 2 sounded better than this in like 1996. So get your shit together and use a different voice or hold the mic farther away or something because you can't be heard. It's too hard.
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I am so confused what's going on over here but you sound like you're having fun and I hope that's what you keep doing just keep having fun I've heard of the Coco knives I want fine briefly extremely briefly group and make in my Nissan clear but yeah they get the job done
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