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Cristiana Norielle
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Caroline 365d
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Jamara Alton 364d
Jamara Alton
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Growing up as a kid, I used to think the opposite of red was blue and the opposite of white was black. But I found out colors don't really have opposites. Realistically, what would be the opposite of brown? Would that be cream or tan? You would think right? They say that colors don't have opposites. Did y'all know that? Or do y'all still believe currents have opposites?
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I low-key still think this way but I was I was listening to your sound pose like you know what like red and blue gray purple black and white great gray the color opposite that we thought were opposites actually create in colors so that's pretty cool to think about
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I don't think they have that, I don't think they have like complementary hairs. So like for brown I would say like pink. But, um, maybe not just the opposite, just like, I see it as like the same town, but like one start for one side.
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The opposite of brown I think you know I think what you meant by opposites was complimentaries a lot of times when we think of opposites we think of complimentaries in the society and this is not true you know him Because you know we're always taught opposites attract but it is not true
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