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Jacob Marley โ€ข 366d
Jacob Marley
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Troy McClure โ€ข 366d
Troy McClure
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Jayy โ€ข 365d
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What was your first like music listening device that you owned on and I feel like the answers are going to be very depending on how old you are for me like when I was a kid like I had cassettes and like look at that player that I would like carry around that so like I would listen to music and then eventually it changed to like one of those portable CD players and I had that for a while and then I had like an MP3 player and then I didn't get like an iPod until I was like 14 or something like that But yeah I'm just curious like what was your first music listening device that you had
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They're so sad but I can't afford an iPod model give me a radio and I could get the get the radio two can I go to same frequency for some reason is an iPod near me there's all is well and that you are using Apple next near me And two from my radio so that was my listen to voicemail just had only listen to whoever army in awhile to listen to it's really sad I'm sorry
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Sony Ericsson MP3 player
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I remember me using an iPod. That was like a classic back when I was younger. That was a really cool device to use honestly. Play a lot of music and to keep music in there, to shuffle music. That was a really good device, honestly. So I wouldn't have to say the iPod for sure.
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