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Oh my goodness why did you have to split the two is it like a ham McMuffin and cheese or is it a sausage McMuffin egg and cheese same thing with the make griddle sometimes you can get them a griddle with chicken that's crazy oh man I'm all over the place with this one I'm probably going to go with Medvedev cause that's where I'll get started for me when I started in the McDonald's breakfast sandwiches
Do you know what I actually need to codify breakfast in America by McDonald's breakfast in America the Winter McMuffin no it's alright alright as soon as the traffic riddle
I'm definitely going to make griddle on the griddle with the orange juice hits every time with a hash brown so I'm deathly gonna make griddle for breakfast
I liked the pancake part of the macro but not the other but like I was never really a fan of like the McDonald's sausage because it was always just like I don't know I think it's a texture I like functioning autistic so textures and stuff like super super bother me it's weird I I know everyone has her thing