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Rhonda 369d
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This is a very random question but I am what is the strangest thing y'all have in your refrigerator me personally if I had to say the strangest thing I have like I have this cheese in my refrigerator and I kind a like looks like a water bottle it's weird it's weird to explain this like a mini water bottle but yeah that's probably the strangest thing in my refrigerator
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Two of the strangest things that I have in my refrigerator right now is I have a like suspicious bottle that looks like it could be like a ketchup bottle, but it's just this clear yellow syrup. And I had made ginger syrup for the first time last week. And then after that, I also have this green goop, which is made for seasoning. So it's not weird to me, but it would be weird for most people, but in my culture, we make this green seasoning like me.
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I talked too much just what it is. It's basically like a marinade that you put on meats and any kind of real protein that you'd be cooking to use to marinade. But for anyone else, you're thinking, oh, this is a bowl of country butter. And in fact, it's just this green goop that's inside. But I promise it's amazing. I promise it tastes delicious. and it goes good on everything.
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