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Hey guys dreamy her so Yosi in the movies you know at the end of the movie or in the middle of the movie or beginning a couple always showing their display of affection in public being being in public and kissing holding hands displaying their affection for everyone to see it's quite popular amongst movies and what about in real life where are you walking down the street and you see people holding hands people kissing in public People doing all types of affectionate actions with our partners so this is where my question comes into play do you like PDA public display of affection are you willing to do it with your partner in public are you shy there In my opinion I would be kind of shy because I like my affection and love to be in private with my partner I definitely will hold hands possibly that's how far I would go I love my privacy what about you guys what are you guys think about PDA let me know in the comments
I actually don't like PDA public display of affection I find a cringe he whenever I see couples you know in the end of the movie there's a whole bunch of people around them and they just start kissing and they're so happy and I'm just like in them like cringe I guess the more of a person who likes privacy I really enjoy my privacy so I am I definitely will hold hands but I'm not willing to go more than that
Hey dreamy it's Hawaiian I agree with you on with holding hands five find a kiss on the cheek or even a peck on lips isn't that bad but that's just my opinion
Hey dreamy it's a wine arm I understand what you're saying and I agree but I will also say that is that for me and my partner I would give a kiss on the lips once in a while which I find nothing wrong with it But that's me
I feel like I completely depends I feel like PDA should be like a limited if you're like like one of the like people in the relationship is with one of their friends I don't just make them feel like more of a third wheel totally not speaking for personal experience but other than that I go for who cares at the strangers thing they can go home
Yes it's useful so I was once an event where I was one of two people of color and the crowd would say things like you don't smell like a typical Indian wow you speak really well so this one guy that was hitting on me sent over a bottle of Prosecco and you know I ditch the Prosecco proceeded to straddle him in front of everyone and give him a kiss that is called using PDA to make everyone feel uncomfortable that's making you feel uncomfortable
I honestly don't give a fuck to be honest with you. I be doing all that shit. I be doing all this shit. Smacking my girl last night and all that shit. But I don't even give a fuck. Then but then it can't be too much though. You know what I'm saying?