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Adwoa Daniels aka Diamond
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Adwoa Daniels aka Diamond
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Mevi Galica 602d
Mevi Galica
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Both of my brothers died in the span of three years and the person who had them, one was adopted which was my half brother and the other one was my full-blooded brother who died before. This woman will not give me ashes to the brother that just passed and my full-blooded brother was buried and cremated without any feeling to how I felt. They decided what to do with him without any regard to me. And then my half-brother, I just asked for ashes and she said that she doesn't want to be threatened, which I've never threatened her before, and I wanted the ashes for me. So what do you guys think?
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And also if getting your brothers ashes is going to give you closure then I would definitely say yeah just talk to talk to him talk to a lawyer and and and see if like you guys can maybe do mediation and then maybe if she just wanted to keep salmon and maybe she can give you half of them you know or or something but that way you just can feel like you still have a part of him all right I wish you all the best
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Thank you for that and yeah basically it is for justice and for closure so I'm still debating but thank you for your support and you know your condolences it's still taking me a minute to think about it But yeah
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Definitely yeah definitely take that shit to quit that's really fucked up Yeah fuck I'm sorry dude that's folk
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I am so I'm so sorry that all you had to experience two of your brothers passing as far as should you go to court or not you really need to do you know that's really that something that people can't really say that's that's just like a feeling that you have but if it's about justice then yes I definitely would say go to court but again I am so sorry for your loss
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First of all very sorry for your loss and second like just go to court go right now and that's that's your that's your brothers who is who is that much pounds take away something that close to you or someone that close to you like yes go to court like the money you should have like your brothers ashes there's no question just go
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