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Tyvi October 616d
Tyvi October
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Doja Nat 616d
Doja Nat
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Okay, I don't know how to start this exactly, but this is super random. Okay, this is gonna be hard to explain. When you're in the public restroom and you know those hand dryers? When I was a kid in school, even probably up to high school, if it was cold out, I would roll up my sleeve of my hoodie and put it under the vent to make my shirt warm because I was cold. I know that sounds really weird and everyone tells me it's a really weird thought, but has anyone else done this or like anything else?
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Yo, I did the same thing when I was a kid. I thought I was a weirdo for that I thought I was the only person that did that Yo, I even used to do like put my shirt over top of the whole thing and just let it blow up and make it look like I got like big chest muscles and shit like that. I was a weirdo in school, y'all. Thank you.
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Yeah I know so I've never done that or anything like that like maybe all I keep if you seconds longer going to be here for my hand but no I never done that though
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Yeah, I did that. I did all of that.
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