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Suzanne pickens
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Ash Wise 688d
Ash Wise
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Lynn T 686d
Lynn T
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Lynn T
Roma kay 684d
Roma kay
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Sandy King 682d
Sandy King
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Sophia Lazary 682d
Sophia Lazary
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Malori 682d
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OK I want to talk about pacifiers for a second here what is there like a specific pacifier that your kids took to better than the rest with my first to neither of them took pacifiers I tried probably at least 3 to 5 different types of pacifiers and they never took my oldest she learn to sucker some and my second learn to suck her pointer finger is comfort rather than a pacifier My third though he takes a pacifier which is awesome but he will only take what is this brand called advent I haven't pacifier because it's close to a breast-feeding nipple so curious to know what kind of as far as your kids took if they took the password they didn't did they find another way for South city
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So I said like as a baby baby they took a pacifier that took a pacifier but not as much like when he was older like maybe two months he was done with it we didn't have no problems
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My kiddos dead like the later or not the attacks of silicone ones clear ones I'm in my youngest son is Nabi ones but didn't use them for a very long but I never stressed out about like how long they were using them or anything like that it was just I didn't think I took a no stress approach to being a mom they just going like it's gonna work itself out it will be fine you know what I mean so but yeah I had to go through a bunch pacifiers find one
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Yeah only that but there's like so many different ways so it is that you can win your child from the pacifier without them like flipping out or whatever so I feel like I'm not going to stress about it if he eventually throws his pacifier away that's cool if he decides to use it until he's almost to that's fine too because my three year old still sucks her thumb
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So my oldest almost 11 she never took a pacifier and never wanted anything never soothe her self the only thing that made her happy was a little baby as we called it was a teddy bear my youngest who's almost for a year ago like this month we arm got rid of the pacifier her Bobo and the only one she took was the one that she came home with from the hospital so whatever the hospital uses is all shit she took
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So whatever that one that they come home with that they try to give you at the hospital that's the one she only took there was no budging on anything else but towards the end when I was about to be taking her away from the bubble a.k.a. pacifier she would take anything because she had that point she knew that I was not giving her no new ones so she was like oh I'm a take anything I can get because at that point she knew I was taking it away so yeah hospital pacifier
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My little guy really liked the hospital pacifier until about a week ago he started spitting it out and gagging and not wanting it so then I switched to the admin ones and he's done good sense so I really like to put the hospital ones but I'm kind of sad that he didn't want to take it longer than like you know what I mean
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My baby never used a pacifier so basically he used me my best as his pacifier but he never got into theaters are specialized at all
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My first never needed one she never gave signs needing one like she's never cranky no nothing so I never tried then with my son I tried that he was she would were cranky but he just did not like it at all so neither of my babies have had a pacifier
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So my daughter took like those huge desk ones there's like green huge discounts with a hole in the middle that you could just put your finger in and then they can suck on it whatever it wants that's what my daughter took but then she stops taking them randomly at like seven months old she just stopped taking a pacifier now she will not take one at all
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So I had so many different kinds of pacifiers but my son just really did take pacifiers he's never been a Binky baby we don't have one Binky in this place arm but like when he was a baby baby like couple days old the one pacifiers that he would take or the mom or ma'am ones just because I think they were so small so they were easier for him but I think sometimes some babies just really don't want a pacifier
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