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Chinedu Kalu 377d
Chinedu Kalu
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So there's a lot of American actors kind of being very salty and bitter that British actors are getting a lot of screen time, they're getting a lot of the roles. I think somebody called it the British invasion. What are your guys thoughts? I don't, I'm pretty neutral, I don't really care. As long as they're doing the role right and doing the role justice, then I don't care if they're American or if they're British. So yeah, what are your thoughts on that?
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I saw this and I'm not a liar it's just because British actors have so much that's arranging a comes the rules because all of these British actors that we see they've all gone to acting schools from when I was young like they don't just have to pay like the old man all out the Nigbor on the corner store that they can say actual rows and be good at multiple different roles
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