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Please God shut the fuck up leave this girl alone bro you still haven't deleted this yet Like that's embarrassing when I make an embarrassing comment I seem to delete it in two minutes it's been longer than two minutes paste don't fucking deleted it yet that's embarrassing for you
Oh I'm gonna embarrass and comment your whole life is embarrassing please get off the fucking app deleted it delete it you should just delete it at this point
listen hey you just fucking sent about 4 30 second fucking things You're playing to me and you're saying my life's fucking embarrassment. Just listen to yourself.
Yeah because I'm tired of seeing you and every fucking sound by either talking shit talking about wanting to fuck a woman that literally was asking you the color of a fucking like what color top she should wear which is mad fucking weird bro it's embarrassing it's embarrassing for you not for me people are going to look at the shit and they're gonna be like oh she put him in his place and we were going to look at what you said and be like oh that's weird that's embarrassing please get a fucking life
Young that is older so fucking to receive it was on females because you're pretty sure you talk about take it off like Knigge you don't even know her fucking Asian shit she could be young and sound old and look old and shit talking about I'll take it off light oh my goodness you're so fucking uneducated asked me and I will deal with it I did not
I got it I got it from the game so bitch OK I can't really do no gated oh I can do it I am give music So lay low I'm a say that you should be the one the big one I like the big one like I showed you like your boobs a little bit like maybe like I don't know lame I'll be the big one though yeah yeah Tyson
I'm probably so late. I am late. But I hope you decided the pink top because the pink top is so gorgeous on you. It looks good with the shorts that you're wearing. So yeah, the pink top.
So I really like that yellow top I think it looks so good on him and it just pops more compared to the other two but it's not yellow then I would pick the third one which I think was the pink top but they're all cute