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Mike Bedard 376d
Mike Bedard
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Adan Casillas 376d
Adan Casillas
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Alright so going back on my previous question about what movies you've watched recently What's the most recent TV show you've watched for that me has to be beef And beef is a must watch. I recommend it acting everything in it As a TV show goes on it gets better So, must watch, I'm telling you guys.
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I've really been enjoying a new show on HBO Max called Fired on Mars animated series. It's really good I've also been catching up with Dave on FX
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The most recent TV show that I watched was 1923 and that was a prequel to the show Yellowstone before they actually, Yellowstone like established themselves but basically how they built their empire in Montana. So that's what I just watched in 1923 and also watched 1818. Both are really good. So if you get some time, you can suggest either one of those and watch it.
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