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Jaden George 379d
Jaden George
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Lizzie Aomi 379d
Lizzie Aomi
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Liangelo Baker
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Teressa Reese 379d
Teressa Reese
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Is there a film franchise that got cancelled I just never got a proper ending would you think you should've had more films and deserved more films for me always think about this the Narnia franchise I really love this song and I was a kid and I had to see that they just stop them halfway through as reading the books alongside them and they just ended it halfway through and I was really confused I've lost all of them ever coming back heard rumours that they're waiting for the for the child actors to grow up and be adult so they could probably do the ending but I don't think that's happening to be honest what about you guys any any other similar heartbreak for you guess
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Which movie finish I deserve more films are there Crush Fast and Furious
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hmm this is so hard but I would have I would have definitely loved to see a part two of Parasite not that it's a franchise but I would love to see all squid games like I would have loved to see like any movie where it's like the end is just like I need to see more.
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Bro, I don't know if you man know about this yet, but please someone, please someone tell me you've watched I Am Number 4. That movie slapped bro and ever since then they just haven't made another one.
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I know there's a couple of animes that I felt that way about, but I have to agree. I am number four. I had a really good shot at being great. The potential is great. The actors on the other hand, they could be redone. casted.
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