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The Principal aka QDeezy
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Chan Be Busy
GloInDaDark 372d
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John Stulpin 372d
John Stulpin
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We can't club forever we can't spend money we don't have ever get someone who likes you as is and what gets better gets better there's a losing that everybody supposed to be a 10 a 20 grade enough something to brag about everybody because you're so perfect is a lie
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Yeah ain't that the truth because you'll be broke broke broke
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If you broke you be tired what else you gonna give us somebody that don't want to cook hoping you know how to cook and you want to give us somebody they know how to cook so you don't gotta cook but is this is the worst gamble later so if you think you wanna do it solo be sure now
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Yep, I was just talking about that. I don't think anyone is going to be able to be perfect. And that's where my question came about in regards with the people choosing who they choose. And they go around in a circle in a circle. They got to learn how to deal with their sales and accept who they are as a person and who they really like as people. and then I feel like they wouldn't get the rejection that they receive.
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Listen, if you're still going out to clubs and thinking you're gonna find a great relationship, I don't know what to tell you. You know, that's like trying to find diamonds in a pile of horse manure.
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