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OK it's official I'm addicted to this Boba tea there's this place I posted it in the background you can see it and it's just so cute and like I don't know just so we needed to get out the house to get her some boogie wipes and nasal spray for her nose and so maybe Pedialyte and stuff so I made a pitstop here and it's just I just I love it I love that that Boba tea no it's such a big change from coffee but I think I got it I think I'm gonna have to learn how to try to make it from home and I haven't seen anyone make this from home so if anyone has or knows of any good kits Boba kits yeah let me know
I've seen that Trader Joe's has premade Boba packs like the brown sugar tapioca but I've never tried them myself but I've always heard really great things
Oh my goodness this just makes me even more mad that I don't have a Trader Joe's near me when I used to live in Long Island there was a Trader Joe's near me I miss it so much I'm in New York and just there happens to be none near me but I have seen those kids so if you've heard great things maybe I should just give it a try because I can't be spending like seven dollars every day on this damn tea even though it is so good
I am addicted to like a bubble place where I live and like they put like a crème brûlée cream topping and it's so freaking good oh my gosh I wish I knew how to make it at home but anytime I go to get like two because I can have it like for the day and the day after but it is so good
It really is so good and so addicting like I really am hooked like I guess maybe I was tired of coffee but now this is a problem because now I'm a take addicted to this tea but yeah what was that crème brûlée topping thing that they put on I really need to know please because the last place I went to they said it was like with cheese it said and I don't know if that was like a good topping but yeah maybe that's the crème brûlée and it's just the Cold
I love Bobo a lot but I don't know I feel like it's not some thing I really know how to do at home I'd rather it be I actually have tried it once but above I was not like fully kosher so that's why I didn't really like fully liked it but I would rather just buy Boba like already made