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Do you guys like noise cancellation on headphones like for me that's like one of my favourite things because obviously can't hear anything else other than the music but sometimes I feel like when I've had it on for too long I feel like I'm going deaf
Yeah I'm in a very convenient to do the job right so it's very good but yeah as he said like sometimes just so get lost and feel like ago and I've got it is it is a bit of a weird feeling afterwards
I prefer noise cancellation when I'm like sitting somewhere like when there's not a lot of people but if I'm walking down the street or like on public transport like I don't like it I like to be aware of my surroundings.
I don't mind but outside use I wouldn't use it but for indoors if I was listening to music I would use noise cancelling but from outside on the go then I don't I'm going to do a noise cancer.
I feel like if headphones don't have like good noise cancellation then don't even bother buying them because it really changes the way that you listen to music on them.
See I don't really like it because I can't hear anything that's going on around me and I like to have my headphones in 24 seven so when I'm just like walking around and like someone's trying to talk to me and I don't really I feel bad when I don't realize and I don't know so it's just it It makes things harder so I don't really like it