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personally I'm going to go with Rolex since not only do they look better but also they're like sponsored with like the Grand Prix I think from a member it's just yeah it's more to my style Gucci still don't though but I'm gonna go with relax in this room.
OK originally I thought that said Roblox I was just like at first thinking like you were talking about like a Walmart like Roblox looking virgin like I was so confused for a second but yeah
Bro is this even like an actual question like Rolex is a fucking like is Rolex is such a bad ass company that one of their pieces from fucking years ago can be like today's day now fuck in $100,000 like in Gucci Gucci good it's a name brown everyone uses it but come on it's fucking Rolex in I'm saying
When we look at a time piece it's important to acknowledge like who actually manufactures them unlike Gucci Rolex actually manufactures all of their pieces and they are going to actually appreciate in value in time depending on which one you park yours so if I had to pick between one of these to you it would be a Rolex but to be quite frank I have my eyes set on like a Chanel J 12 or a super Elijah will see