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Chan Be Busy 619d
Chan Be Busy
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Adwoa Daniels aka Diamond
Arielle Van-Mballa
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Adwoa Daniels aka Diamond
JAae 612d
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Stephanie 615d
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Christen 611d
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Kevin Castro 610d
Kevin Castro
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Alyssa 610d
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Ashley 610d
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Alisha 610d
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OK so I've been married about for 13 years until my husband so I'm gonna say yes it's a great thing I'm not saying lose my God I'm saying lol they wow but um what's the dating scene like him or women even asking men out or a guy still you know women still sitting back waiting for the Mets asked him out My single friends they say it is so hard to date now so I'm asking you guys arm and women have you ever asked a man out and would you ask a man out like is that still like a double standard or are you like hey I like what I see I'm a go for it show me to let me know
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I think they are more now but at the same time I think the only time a man says yes is when he sees he's going to get something out of it most times men will automatically say no it is don't care about getting anything out of it and I absolutely do not like it
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Oh wow I would think that a band wouldn't even say no because of the fact of the woman being bold enough to even ask him out who are you to tell me no if I ask you out you don't say and and don't say yes because you think you're gonna get some bud or you know some some money or something out of the situation that's crazy thanks for coming through and sharing that cheese
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I don't think women are asking me out on dates because I think women need to understand like their self worth and that they are the prize in an asking man especially in his patriarchal if your tongue by patriarchy that doesn't make sense
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OK exactly exactly let's keep it old school let's take it back to hell is supposed to be
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I like the women are asking the men out on dates because you know the men is always doing it all the time so let's just switch it around a bit and Let the girls ask the men out sometimes cuz I know us girls be like a little shy But you know Yeah, get out that comfort zone and ask them out, you know if you like somebody get that one you see it you like it you want it go get it you know
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Um, so I'm married, but if I wasn't, I'd probably for sure ask a guy out. Um, I get what you're saying about like the prize and stuff that you're the prize. However, I feel like there's a lot of guys that are just shy or like, um, self-conscious and so they already assumed they were gonna say no, so they wouldn't even ask, you know? And so giving them that option and like breaking that wall, I think would be helpful for a lot of dudes.
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Also, also like, um, I'm not talking about all guys, you know, because there's some guys out there who are like very confident and they know what they want and I'm not speaking on them because those are the kinds that I'll like, obviously ask first. I'm talking about like, the other range of men who are like very shy and self-conscious or like, you know, have anxiety. I'm talking about those guys and if you're into that type, which I feel like is a good majority of men then you
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Plus the other thing about like what you like in a man, do you like a man who's like more laid back, more like not going out as much, you know, like not a people person, that's not the type of guy who's going to ask first, you know. So if you're like into that soft side of being a man, then you should probably ask first because I doubt they'll be confident enough to do that.
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Women are asking men on dates men are asking women on dates I'm in a relationship I've been in a relationship for three years so when I got in college I got into a relationship that's the only relationship I've been in since high school and I've just been observing like my friends are struggling out here like the guys don't want to pay for anything the girls have their so expectations that they've has since child is a mess out there
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fuck no
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I've never been in a day or like taking anyone any day before so but ask like ask you first always been the first one in to say if you like if we want to be together and stuff like that so I always been the one to say that
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Yeah, I know women who ask men around dates and I don't see nothing wrong with it. Now she's always asking and he never does, then that's a different story. but it's okay for women to ask too.
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Me personally I'm bored as fuck like I'll be going out to like people if I'm single and be like oh you're cute you like mad fine or like I really want to get to know you like how was your day and I'll try to get another and then I'll do A little dishes then I get married and then it goes with it goes you never know if it's gonna work out or not
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Yeah, I'm not asking a man out on a date. Now, if it's my boyfriend, fiance, husband, whatever, of course I'll play in dates for him. But if I just met someone, yeah, I'm not going to be the one to reach out and start things. Because I feel like the man is supposed to set the tone. He is the leader. He's supposed to initiate everything. So as a woman, you know that's not my job. the man is supposed to set the tone for us, not me.
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