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Hey guys dreamy here so I'm back with another story I had a friend whom I was dating a girl he had met online and he was really attracted and in love with us girl and they were basically send pictures back-and-forth to each other they would chat on video chat you're very close to one another virtually online That was until he found out that she was lying about her life hers her whole story and basically that she was single he found out that she was actually in a relationship so he broke up with her and doing so she got really upset and she turned the whole story on him and exposed him exposed his private pictures expose his information online So this is where the question comes in have you ever have a past partner that ever expose you online let me know in the comments if you'd like to elaborate your story in my opinion I've had a past partner who expose me he actually got upset because I chose to end the connection with him and break up and go our own ways because it just wasn't working out and he actually liked all my ***** online and my address and he told everyone to come visit me because he said I was a dirty little slut so it was pretty awful I decide to stay off online and social media for about a year and then I came back when I came back he found me and he apologized And I told him luck I forgive you but you need to stay away from me so drop your common
Does it be my first time as the one your questions and the answer to that will be no never had a partner expose me online and but I have had been in group chats where I got pretty it got pretty spicy and things were going down very downhill pretty fast but to answer that and I have not but I can only assume how bad the situation can be for somebody
I'm glad that it's never happened to you always be safe or protect yourself because you never know what people are capable of doing I was unfortunately part of a situation with a person so just out of anger he flipped he sat people against me he got my Instagram and my other social accounts bad forever so it was really awful thing to go through
I remember when he was standing people towards me so get at me and they were telling me really nasty things and it was really awful to the point where I thought that if this was somebody else they probably could not be as strong as me and go through this but I kept blocking ignoring and I even left social media because I got banned from it for a while so when I came back I had seen him again
He had found me on Instagram again like what are the odds of him randomly looking for you a year later well he found me and he apologize to me he said he was sorry for everything he's done to me and I said the pain and you know the trauma and the feelings that you put me through can can never be fully forgiven but I'll deathly forgive you for me so I can move on you know
And I clearly told him that I didn't want any contact with him ever again ever again because you know it was pretty awful you know being friends with so much people on a social media platform you know to the moment where he exposes you and everyone seem intimate things of you you know come on like those are things you just don't do they're not nice you know It's a bullying
So definitely from that situation I learned that I have to be more careful and more safe with who I talk to, with who I trust, you know. Always protect yourself and your energy. have to put yourself first.
Well this one's a yes and no, so it wasn't really on social media, I mean technically it was but it wasn't like a big social media platform, it was just more like a messaging one so it's on Snapchat about when I used it. She leaked some of our DMs to her friends about telling me for permission so that was cheese.
And from there on out, I ended my friendship with her. I wanted to end up building it up to a relationship, but after that, it was a huge red flag and I'm never giving her a second chance. So that's a lot.
Exposed what exactly my nut videos while I'm busing big bus like honestly, that's just decent exposure at that point At that point you're just doing my advertising for me seems kind of counterproductive
It's exposing things on such bullshit as fucking weak. We got to expose the real things Not things that makes no damn sense. I ain't got no time for that. that shit
You know if you're leaving relationships or people are angry and trying to expose you online you need to really go back reflect and think about how you're leaving relationships no one should ever be too angry at the end of a relationship you can be sad but if you're being exposed that's a problem
Wow I am so sorry that happened to you I can't even imagine that happening I would be absolutely devastated and very upset with whoever would do that I've never had this happen to me I've never been exposed online I've definitely sent pictures to people but as far as I know they're not on the Internet or I tried it and things pretty peacefully with people
I wish my exes would try to expose me online and even not even like ex partners but even my ex friends like I've never had anybody try to but I think it's because as a person I make it so easy for everybody to be open with me that I know more skeletons about them then they would ever know about me and since I'm still open and honest with myself there's really nothing that they could say about me that other people either don't already know or that I don't already confront her on
Set around like a full on expose her toxin buy something like on minor version of it oh yeah Whatever it doesn't really matter anymore Do you not in my life