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Lynn T 440d
Lynn T
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Jessi 440d
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Alyssa 440d
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Emmanda 440d
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Jania Torres
Marlyn Koester
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Kaylaaa 435d
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Jania Torres
Roma kay 435d
Roma kay
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Malori 435d
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Jania Torres
Maddy Marceau 433d
Maddy Marceau
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Jania Torres 440d
Jania Torres
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I feel like now I'm always buying clothes for my son I feel like there's something new and cute that I like or want to pair with something I already have for him but now I'm just kind of like sizing up like I'm getting him three tea right now especially that's what we got at Old Navy but Just cause I know that old navy shrinks butt hole after you buy your kids clothes like is it every time you shopping do you buy specific like times so that makes sense I don't know I'm half asleep to be honest
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The only time I buy clothes is usually during the seasons so spring summer fall and winter for my youngest I have every single season because she has all of her older sister's clothes but if I see something cute I buy it but I never splurge and buy anything for my oldest I do because she always need some thing because she's growing she's older and yeah I just don't splurge
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Oh my gosh I always am buying clothes yet my daughter goes out of her clothes so fast
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Yeah literally I feel like I'm always buying them clothes but not cause he really needs them just because I find like cute outfits and I just feel like I wanna buy everything
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I am always buying my sun clothes. Like play clothes, nice clothes. I like always find or make up an excuse to buy them something new. So like I'm like, oh they need more play clothes or oh summer's coming up. So they need these shorts or something. but yeah, I spend way too much money on clothes for them, and not enough on clothes for me.
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No I totally get that like I need when I'm done with this pregnancy I feel like I'm done done so I just need someone to go through my closet throw whatever they think like I never wear because it's a lot of it and just give me what I should wear and give me a good amount
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My daughter is definitely growing so fast like she's growing vertically not horizontally she's really skinny but she's very tall she takes after her dad anyway buying like onesies for her if I buy so many clothes because she outgrows them really quickly
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So there's just like a little thrift and boutique near me and they actually got a lot of really good stuff that's like either barely worn or brand new with like the original tags and I go there often well not that often maybe like once a month and to see what they have in stock because I change it so often and I find actually a lot of good things for my kids there and I wanna say that probably over half of their stuff is like secondhand
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And my kiddos were always pretty much like on the dock with their sizing so like assuming around the time that they turned like the next size so like when my daughter was like around nine months we would start you know changing her clothes from like the nine to what is a 9 to 12 months like clothes stuff like that so they were she was pretty much always on time and then obviously with my second I just did all like and we downs and then I obviously my family and like stuck with gifts we get like oh much more clothes
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Yeah I want to go but I feel like I need to be without my toddler I need to have patience and go through each like rag because that's one thing I don't like even about like Ross and stuff I hate going through through the clothes and I'd rather like see a shirt and then find it in my size if that makes sense like target
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Normally what I do is that I buy a pair of pajama sets and a pair of jeans for my baby every six months and that I tons of T-shirts that I keep on changing on him so that works till the age of 2 to 3
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So I really never ever ever buy me some clothes just because we I have a nephew that is like a year I had a perfectly But I've always been curious like once he gets to a stage where we don't get hammy downs if I'm gonna have to buy like every season or like how that works
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Yeah I have a nephew that's four months older than my son so she gave me my cousin gave me everything that she had for him him But now they're let me just obviously Silverman the purple they're wearing the same size because now my sons like a little bit bigger than him so now that we don't get the whole me downs but definitely I've been getting it for my daughter my cousin and my friend have given me
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Yeah it's always like buy a size up and shirts so that it last longer and then he's always certain size is a bit because he's smaller there
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I thought that was funny I didn't know if you were trying to be funny with me with all the seasons cause I mean I made it feel like it's only so it's like every what three months then every 40 I don't know I thought I was I need to be
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