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Senor Pequenos โ€ข 418d
Senor Pequenos
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Zac McMillan
This is going to be a pretty hot take but I'm gonna say Taylor Swift is the LeBron James of music right now I think there's nobody with as big and powerful as a following to be able to affect things happening nobody can consistently just be at the top of all of the metrics at all times like she can whether you like it or not I think it's true
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Yeah, no doubt she's probably the most influential in terms of the group of people like the fault the whole ticketmaster lawsuit Which is it should is a long time coming the Like vinyl has been complete the vinyl market is completely shifted because of her fans Unfortunately, I think also a lot of fucking Twitter shit is because of them as well So, you know, I see both ways. I know Julianne does not like her music, but I think we can all add. and she
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Yeah exactly I think it's the includes on the area which she is located you know she see you literally somehow has essentially claimed back on her masters which nobody's ever done like Michael Jackson bought Paul McCartney's my user do you think anybody could get their masters Paul McCartney could but not not him just Taylor Swift and Y have a bra James has his stuff the two like his dealing with China that mean he's not gonna say anything when I
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