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Gaby Mendez 438d
Gaby Mendez
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Its The Costanza
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Gelöschtes Mitglied
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Ervin Shyti 399d
Ervin Shyti
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One of the funniest things to me is when celebrities block people on social media, like, they're making them mad, like in the comments or like call them out for something that the celebrity did and they like block them. That's so funny. I'm wondering, has any celebrity blocked you and why? There is a celebrity, I guess, quote unquote, celebrity, I mean, a reality show person, I wouldn't consider them a celebrity who like I made really mad one time and they haven't blocked me, but they started DMing me incessantly to like go on live with them. Like they're like live now, like, let's go. And I'm like, no, like you have emotional problems, like leave me alone. But yeah, they became obsessed with me after that.
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I'm no celebrity has blocked me yet for some reason Tom Cruise follows me and Troy think it's insanely funny I've never to get at him once I don't even follow him oh yeah that's that
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Nah, I just had a bunch of stupid nerds block me. For no reason.
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Okay, so I'm not sure if she's considered a really big celebrity, but Tanisha Thomas from that girl's club, the host, she blocked me because I was a heavy conspiracy theorist in middle school and and I kinda like accused her.
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Yeah actually Drake for being his number one competitor
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