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Josiah Stoney 441d
Josiah Stoney
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I'm just trying to figure out when did it become okay and valid for women that start charging ****** to hang out with them like like how I was cool with you before you even started doing all this only fairs and meet ups and all this extra shit now all of a sudden now all of a sudden I got it no no no no no no
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Alright, no no no, cause see the thing is, that bitch is charging you. Bitches don't charge ****** like that. That's only gold thing is, get out of whatever she's trying to pull you into. Fuck that. She's going for your pockets, bro. She ain't going for your dick, she's going for your pockets, bro. Dipo assumes you goddamn can, she's trying to hit you up like it's some fucking lonely shit. Tell her to fuck off and go get another man so they can sit, so they can sit there and then spend a thousand fucking thousand, thumb shit.
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