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Josiah Stoney • 438d
Josiah Stoney
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Josiah Stoney
Josiah Stoney
Josiah Stoney • 438d
Josiah Stoney
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Angele Gipson
Josiah Stoney
Angele Gipson
Josiah Stoney
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So I was in a lot of people do this respectfully just say whatever the fuck you want because I want to get laugh you know I love laughing at myself I left myself like every day so if you want to tune
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I raped your fucking lips, bro. It's called rape me for a reason, bro. S- You need me tight.
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Did you say every rape cousin texted the text thing it says that says raped wrangler I don't I don't know what you think there's a leak
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Wait, wait, wait, hold on, no, no, no, no, that's just the word, the text, shit. Like, no, I said rape, not rape. Don't worry.
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But I think you have a list for some because it sounds like you're saying the same thing and both of them are bad Take focus on your pronunciation shit cause you're saying rates like raped and there's a man
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You're not listening to it, I specifically... Look, you can even, that word specifically is gonna pop up on the thing. I specifically put right, and right, right, right, right, right. I know, I'm pronouncing it correctly. It's the voice to text shit. You know that.
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Bro, you know exactly what I'm trying to pronounce, like I can say specifically. And it's gonna pop up right on the thing. I say rape and rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape, rape. And I bet you that shit's still gonna come out as rape. And I just said rape too, yeah. rape and rape!
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There is another picture to why there's another picture to it's just like that's just like boom I don't fucking know the slide over
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Two people sitting here arguing with me. What? What was actually said? Hey, fine, you attend. Hey, you attend. But I'm talking about what I was saying. And Homie, he's like, hey, look, that's what's sound like rape. I don't know what I said. Rape and rape. He would hear the pronunciation but it was not going on to shit correctly.
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Yeah it's still pulling a rape even though he's a rate
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I know!
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of Do you do you really love yourself? Are you really traumatized? Are you really need therapy? Did you do a crime you haven't admitted yet? Let me know. I'm trying to let me know like Yeah, this is going off for 20 seconds now Now, yeah, I mean no.
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