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I'm standing on the ass look it up at this guy I wanna spend my wings so I can sore I I wanna feel this sensation just to feel that I like it I want is love you too I wanna leave you know what is left for those people to say
I am a minute give me a really like this Vintage behind trying to be mean what does three British copies in global the world we have a snow is a rear Muchova word on the board was a whole bowl of the gang you know the Bangas what is your side what is the climate I'm a beat you
Can I file that you said next to you do you do and make sure you have a oh my gosh I thought it was over but there's a little snippet or something of that song song
OK I'm back for another one you know I had a double in there when I look up at the sky where is Unson just passing day you'll be coming home with me tonight will be a burden nothing Mele baby when they look up at the sky with a shooting star just passing by you'll be coming home with me tonight will be burning up like me in lines
I want to do this like later on my alarm with my friend Blake I like songs And her mom doesn't want her off this app so I'm just gonna like say this year and never like ask her Out of it