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You know what really gets me some people always tell me like you're doing so good like mother like it doesn't seem like it's that hard and your gay mother like no bitch like I have the worst of the worst days I tell so much to mental health issues I do with a lot of rage like I am a literally I think I'm just living the day trying to get by day-to-day like I do I understand like I do appreciate peoples kind words and like we're not but so you guys really don't truly know what I'm going through as your mother who deals with mental health you don't know what it's like
So I definitely agree like I don't know what you're going through and like I have this happen to me like all the time if you were saying that like I'm in a good relationship like I am in a Like so happy and they don't know and it's just like one day at a time you know I am a mom and I'll always be here for my kids but sometimes you know you have to be there for yourself to
I'm in the same boat like people think I just have it all because like we literally just bought a house like they think We're like they think that we think we're high up there but we're not like we're struggling and like I'm struggling myself and like everyone thinks I'm such a great mom and this
And then like I'm not gonna see you like I'm not the best mom I'm not the worst I'm like I'm so you have my bad days and I got my good days but yeah we are just things like we're just put this perfect person in this perfect mother but no we're really struggling and they don't understand that
I think this is because nobody really knows how to address the fact that mothers are struggling you know and I don't know what do you say to another mom that's going to exactly what you're going through because I am where you are like I don't show it as much but damn shits hard man I honestly cannot wait till I go back to work because I need a fucking break and work is my break so Yeah you're not alone
No yeah it's definitely true like especially people have you like in social media they only see like all the good stuff but I mean it's motherhood is hard and only mothers could really understand what it's really like I said I get it now and but the good thing is like we have a support system here and hopefully you have like someone you can reach out to whenever you get really overwhelmed
Yes, I feel like everybody comments like or says to me like you are literally superwoman or like I don't know how you do that I could never and I'm just like I don't know man I just do the thing but I definitely struggle at times I just Don't really make it known.
No one tells me that they're like I don't know how you do it I'm like I don't know either But I totally have those days where I'm just like why can't no one understand how I'm feeling as in like my family or when I want them to reach out more when I want to call just to talk to someone and like not even about venting just to see how they are doing and they don't answer me I'm just like I feel shittier
Yeah I sometimes think that other people just like say some thing just to like make you feel better you know but I'll deal with my mental health my battle of every day I've been going to therapy for it for like for going on for years now so cause I have depression anxiety I have PTSD I have rage and yeah I just therapy has been a steppingstone for me
It has been a steppingstone for me to get better of me like obviously like I've been going for it for four years now and I'm nowhere even like halfway done with like the progress I need to make because I mean it's baby steps I have been trying to get over stuff that has happened to me since I was like five and I still can't get over some stuff so it's gonna take time
I'm not sure if you're into journaling but my therapist she always suggest that if I can't talk to anybody or if I can't trust somebody quite yet and if I need to like get it off like my chest then I will open up my journal and I will write whatever I need to write I wrote on all my feelings and you know it makes me feel better for the time being and I either keep it or I just throw it away
Hey everyone I'm brand new to stereo and I definitely wanted to chime in on this conversation I'm a 35 year old mom of two girls and all my struggle with mental health as well I think it's so important for moms to understand that you're not angry right you're not a bad mom you may just be overstimulated OK you've got the TV on and it's on like the highest volume
So so many comments here and everyone sharing your sentiment I think there's so much wrong with the way society in our culture is set up There's just so much put on a mother shoulders in terms of like recently killed her children and household stuff and the invisible mental load of organizing the family and so
And as a new group of mothers as a group of voices I don't know like with all of society have to to change for this load this mental load to be taken off of us or like how can we push for teams can we actually make change I don't know what do you think about this topic it like really it's heavy and it breaks my heart so sending love
I think because they don't experience that or maybe they have an experience that they won't understand and they just see what like the good side of things think you are showing them that you're a great mom you're showing them that you're happy so they see that that's why they I feel like they respond to you like that