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Alright if you could eat any types of food or any food without any consequences would it be for me are deafly be like KFC or McDonald's some fried chicken and there's a big Mac meal and yeah just not get not putting any calories anyway over it
Probably carbs like french fries, pizza, and then cookies. Like if I can eat that all the time with no consequences, I 110% would. I absolutely love carbs. are life and those are my three favorites.
Actually wanted to say something savory like pizza or wings but I feel like it would be a desert or some thing like a Sunday or just ice cream in general
yeah like I would totally just eat ass because like sometimes there's like shit in it but like if I could eat that shit without no consequences like fucking hellboy I'll just eat ass all day long I'm chatting shit I mean just all drunk food like anything that tastes good but isn't good but isn't good for you and and like saturate if that's not that shit.