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Carson Shefferly
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Dɾҽαɱყ 438d
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When you watch the one piece live action it's executive producer Matt Owens has gone on several different social media platforms and podcasts and has her in Xpress data he's gotten the creators blessing Schroeder and so it has been filmed in South Africa And I don't wanna say too much but I hope that we do get some thing that is faithful to the manga and can actually make it past the first season can get past that first season I think they're just progressively going to get better but yeah check out the series on the top unless you want to read the manga I highly recommend that do not watch the enemy as it will take much longer than you think joy
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Here's the thing, I personally don't watch anime, but I really want to get into it. I just don't really know where to start. So if you have any suggestions, like please let me know. But I don't mind a live action version of anything as long as they make it like quality content
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I've never seen this Netflix series or if it's a movie or TV I've never seen it. I'll definitely check it out and search what it's all about.
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I don't know what the hell that is, but I might look it up now that you've mentioned it.
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