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Do you think TikTok has a big influence on your music playlist I don't know for me I find like loads of songs from TikTok which I felt like I'm thankful for
Yes, because there are always those songs on TikToks. You hear a lot of songs on TikToks and then if they're good enough I'll add it to my playlist. So yeah, I would say yeah.
Some girls in my classes like you know how people get song sick in the head they get Tik Tok song sick in the head so like some wood people would come and be like I'm inside I and it's like catchy I guess I don't so on their music yeah cause they listen to it like religiously so it's up to them
No, because like, TikTok songs really be doing too much half the time. I'll be like, like listen to the full TikTok song, it'll just be fucking my head. Cause like, it shit, it get, it get boring as fuck. I'm like, hey, oh no.