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Arielle Van-Mballa
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Nani 672d
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Larissa Alana 671d
Larissa Alana
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Larissa Alana 671d
Larissa Alana
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Larissa Alana 671d
Larissa Alana
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Kent Vorland
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Breze Kimble-Moore
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Breze Kimble-Moore
Breze Kimble-Moore
Rropt 655d
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Something that has changed quite a bit in the last few years is people's attitudes towards having children. I see it a lot in my friendship group, whereas some of my friends have been wanting kids since forever. They've been wanting kids since they were kids themselves and wanting to build that family is like their sole goal in life kind of. Whereas some other of my friends feel like they want to choose an alternative route. they don't want to go down that route of having children and they feel like they want to utilize their life for other things. Now I'd be curious to know what you guys's thoughts are on this topic and what your attitude is towards having kids.
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I think I want to have children. It just depends on who my partner is going to be because kids are a lifelong commitment And I just don't want to do that with just anyone.
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So honestly out of my whole entire family that cousins and sisters I'm the only one with kids nobody really wants to think about kids or they think they're too young for kids and they're like in their mid 20s and almost hitting 30 and I'm 28 and I have two little ones and just the way the world is sometimes I want more and other times I'm just like not like I'm fine which is too so I don't know I think it's personal preference
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Oh yeah yeah I honestly yeah it Hass to be like a personal choice also you have to see him some women are pro abortion and some are anti-with me I've thought about it but I couldn't see myself a boarding a baby ever and that's how they came into my life and I've been grateful they've been the best thing that has ever happened to me so it also depends on that part as well
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And also like I have two and I would love to have more kids but in the type of world that we're living in right now and like if I wouldn't have gotten pregnant with them too I don't see myself having kids because of how the world is lately like I wouldn't want to bring a child to this world is society how it's building up to be the shootings and all that like that's why I homeschool ones just because I'm terrified that you know something bad might happen to Them
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I think it's you know I've noticed some people of my friends feel like oh I have to have kids by the time I'm 25 or by the time I'm 30 and oh you're gonna be too old and I feel like society pressures people you know
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Mind you I'm almost close to 40 so and I have four kids and I've had my kids young but I feel like women or men in general should not be pressured and if they don't want kids then so be it
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You know some people don't want kids and they want to travel and they want to enjoy you know each other or they wanna be alone and I think that's fine I think people shouldn't be pressured or if a woman wants to have a kid at 40 A it's nobody's business
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I can't wait to have children to be a list but I've always had a very called it pragmatic approach in that I don't think people should have more than two I think I think we're in you know we're responsible for our own population control but unfortunately you see that those who can afford the least very often have more kids but yeah personally I really want to have children my own flesh and blood kind of thing.
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I think as you know as a child I definitely wanted so many children but as time went on and you know you become the adult you see that it's really expensive plus you know the economy has definitely changed from the time that our parents were raising us so it's just different. I still do want children though but definitely not as many as before.
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Yes, absolutely. I feel like too, a lot of people don't realize like having children is really a lot. It's literally your whole life. That's your job, you know, outside of your other job. And so we're also women too, so obviously that is put on us. But yeah, it's like, I definitely want to provide for them and give them things and teaching values like actual values.
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I feel like one of the biggest reasons why I did want children too was to teach them to really like be authentic, to love their skin, their hair, you know, stand up for what they believe in. You know, things that I think growing up for me wasn't so like, you know, easy I guess for or we were transitioning to you know but yeah I definitely want to just provide too.
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Italian kids great then I would say the code for the future me People I don't want you to have a little bit of August off and on I don't see how are you how are you
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