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Lizzie Aomi 408d
Lizzie Aomi
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Okay y'all, so this is for my girls because I know y'all be dealing with this shit all the time But I just blocked this ***** that I was on and off with for two years like two three weeks ago And I still want to talk to him even though he did some fucked up shit to me but long story short we dated on and off for two years and I Fucking love him. You know like I got high. I had his kid and I was pregnant with his kid and He was like making me feel like the bad guy out of all the times that we were not together in type shit like playing with my mind. He was low key after all he was doing this. He was fucking with my friend from school, my best friend. Mind you, he was talking to me and her at the same time we first started talking and then when me and him became official, he fucking dropped her but they still would hang out like. So I'm really fucked up about the situation, not as bad as before. But, ooh I'm so mad right now. Ooh! Anyways, um, I feel really fucked up too because I want to talk to him still. Aside from the fact that he really fucked me up, made me feel like the bad guy, but he was out here doing the worst. so I need help.
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That sounds so, so messy.
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Because it really really really is and I am like really stressed out about him but I'm slowly forgetting so it takes time
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Good forget him like he doing all the stuff we are on brakes know me with when do all day forget him and like find you somebody better who treat you right even we are not together like this phone and bottom of my heart for real
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Thank you so much girl that means a lot to me yeah I am like I said I was just stating how I feel but I will never forget what happened type shit and I'm gonna keep my distance like he really messed me up on this one but I know I know the top person he is now so yeah I was kind of just ranting but I appreciate it
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