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J Savvy 392d
J Savvy
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Dave Tha Goliath
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Nathalie Velazquez
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Here's another random thought for you guys as I am microwaving some leftovers do you guys remember in the movie spy kids they had that microwave that you basically put in like that foil pack and then the microwave like zaps it into a giant cheeseburger cinnamon remember that anyway I was thinking if I could have any technology from a movie I mean I'd probably have to think about this longer but right now if I could have any technology for a movie the spy kids microwave is sounding like a pretty solid choice let me know
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I'd definitely say the gun that erases memories from Men in Black. That way I can rob banks and make everyone forget.
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Personally give me the remote the universal remote from the movie click with Adam Sandler and the only reason I really say that is auto pilot for things you don't want to do come on now who doesn't
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Oh my god this is a good question for me I will be the Mary Poppins bag where you can just pull up everything you need or the door a bag
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