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Joey Helpish 396d
Joey Helpish
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Joey Helpish
Joey Helpish
What do you guys think is the best way to learn the essential techniques to master an instrument as a beginner? Do you think is watching tutorials on YouTube or having a private teacher to give you the basics on how to start.
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Hi I do private instruction and the answer is both the best students are ones who do private lessons but then also go seek out their own kind of YouTube type things
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As far as like techniques like the best thing is to learn scales learn the patterns and how to do scales and do those runs and then how to jam and then and practice to backing tracks, just jamming and improvising.
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And at first you're gonna sound, you're gonna feel like you sound like a baby, right? That's gonna feel weird, but improvising, using scale work is the quickest way to really get to know your instrument and what it's capable of and how it connects to you.
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