Now this question is a little personal and by no means am I asking anyone to share their weight with me or their measurements? I'm asking do you guys check them? I know that for some people it is important for them to keep track of their BMI's due to health risks also due to certain sports such as being in certain weight groups like in wrestling, in boxing, MMA fighting, I get that. I just want to know for the average, you know, gel, girly, individual, if you check it. I stopped using the scale about two and a half, three years ago. I personally had negative connotations with it. I have now just started getting more comfortable with the idea of using it as a guide and not as something to punish myself with. Something that I would use. I used to use it as a way to shame myself because of what I was brought up with. So I just wanted to know, do you guys use the scale and measurements or not? I used to have a bad connotation with it, and now I don't. I don't look at it, I bought a new scale, I haven't looked at it yet, but that's the journey I'm on. Just wanted to know what you guys are thinking about.